Yes I do. And it will be a shame to have to donate them to a charity because most are high end but they are going to go somewhere - either in someone's home in the next couple of weeks, to an auction house, or to a charity and I will write them off as a loss. They cannot go to my house, and I'm not about to rent another space and move it all.

Some have called and said "Oh, the cost of shipping will be too high", and I say "But you are buying these for 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of your local dealer! If you are getting a Hancock and Moore MD 94 Leather sofa for $ 1,999, that if you ordered would cost $ 5,492, what's a $ 500 delivery fee to you in Illinois?, you are still at half price, delivered!" But they can't get past a $ 500 delier fee on <shrug>

Oh, well!