Sure! There are only two sectionals in the Town and Country program as of now, though I have been requesting they expand the options. They are:

# 9748 LAQ/RAQ September Sectional in 2-pieces, measuring 104" x 104" on the wall, with the lead leather being Document Saddle. You get loveseat left, loveseat right, and quarter unit. $ 5,459 in Document Saddle, any other Document Color $ 6,109 (plus shipping/delivery)

# 8133 NB LAQ/RAQ Austin done as above except 96" x 96". Leather is Cavalier Oxblood $ 4,369. Any other Cavalier color $ 4,939 (plus shipping/delivery).

Things can, and do usually change with the October Furniture Market. Prices may go up, or other pieces may be added, etc. Right now those are the options for the best price points.

These are both 2-piece units and they are large. Be sure you have good egress into the home before ordering. No narrow doorways!