POLITICS- Members of our species (for the most part) find it uncomfortable thinking for themselves. They adopt a "team" early in life, accept those ideas and form loyalties at a young age when they have little knowledge and no critical thinking skills. All human behavior springs from three sources. Emotion, desire, and knowledge. Political bonds are formed early on. Plenty of emotion and desire. But no knowledge or critical thinking skill. None the less young people are now "bonded" to that team. They are conformists. They are advocates. They are loyal. They get very upset if their ideas are challenged. You dare not challenge their world view. They will fight to defend hastily adopted ideas. It is like being a sports fan. No matter how bad your team is you will still be loyal to that team and hate the other team. That is human nature. That is not going to change. It is always best to talk about the 90% we all have in common and leave the last 10% out of it.