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Thread: H&M, B&Y recliner and stationary chair/ottoman

  1. #1
    momtofour Guest

    Default H&M, B&Y recliner and stationary chair/ottoman

    Hi Duane,
    Thanks so much for this forum, I've learned a lot. I am looking for two leather chairs for my family room. I'm thinking of one recliner and one stationary chair with ottoman. Do you have any recommendations? I've found that B&Y has the Yorba (#4508) and Astoria (#4401) recliners that have matching stationary chairs. I also liked the look of H&M Restoration Lounger(#7056) that has a matching chair and ottoman(4274/4273). Comfort is very important, but I also don't have room for chairs that are much wider than the ones I mentioned. I love the H&M product, but am limited to how much more I can spend for it. Are any models on the Town and Country plan? Thanks again for your expertise.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: H&M, B&Y recliner and stationary chair/ottoman

    The current H&M Town and Country program and all the current frames/leathers are listed here:

    Comfort is such a subjective element that I really can't recommend one over another, sorry. What one person things is the "best chair ever" another will think it causes back pain! As a general rule, BY will be 20 to 25 % less than H&M, but its a different product. H&M is a Tier 1 build (best in the industry) whereas BY is a Tier 2. While you're saving 20 to 25% in money on the BY, you're also getting 20 to 25% less content in the pieces. H&M T&C program really offers some incredible values, but of course you don't have a lot of options inside that promotion.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

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