We are looking at purchasing the Lenny for my 87 year old father who is reasonably agile. He has an outlet nearby but he is concerned that it may get in the way when walking over to turn on the lamp that would be behind the chair. So he is insisting that the battery option would be better. The H&M rep, furniture store designer, and I think that the simple plug in option is the best as we don't know how long his agility will stay intact.
1. How much of a pain is it to take out the battery pack to charge it?
2. If agility is an issue in the future, can the battery pack be connected to the chair and plugged into an outlet all at the same time as if it were a plug in recliner, just a more expensive version?
3. Does anyone have any pictures of where the cords / battery packs come out of the chair? The store we went to did not have any H&M power recliners on the showroom floor.

Thank you GAW