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Thread: Post-retirement future of MyFurnitureForum?

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  1. #1

    Question Post-retirement future of MyFurnitureForum?

    Is this forum going to continue post-retirement? Is Duane planning to be active? If not, is there another online community where there are good discussions with trustworthy information going on?

    Similarly, is there another furniture store who is the "spiritual successor" to The Keeping Room that deserves our support and business?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Post-retirement future of MyFurnitureForum?

    This forum is paid up until early 2025. At that point, the members / users here can decide if they want to chip in and contribute to pay for the hosting. I have also offered the Forum to Hancock and Moore if they want it - we shall see!
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Default Re: Post-retirement future of MyFurnitureForum?

    This forum is a wealth of good information and I hope it continues if it can. I would be willing to contribute to keep it running.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Washington State

    Default Re: Post-retirement future of MyFurnitureForum?

    It's the end of an era I fear. Duane is one of a kind. There is no one that can replace him. If Hancock and Moore wants to takeover running the Forum, Duane may continue a bit longer, but his focus has shifted. The shadows lengthen... the day is coming to an end. Be grateful for what we had.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Post-retirement future of MyFurnitureForum?

    Well, thank you but most anyone could do this if they wished to. It's just integrity, honesty and a willingness to share knowledge in the same way most Teachers do at all the public schools and Universities. Most businesses are run with the thought that "If its not making me money RIGHT NOW, then I'm not going to bother with it", and that is the nature of business. I never established this an income generator for my little store (which is much smaller than it comes across as on-line), but over thousands of posts I developed a reputation as a Trusted Source and that's all consumers are really looking for. That turned into buyers from all over the country, and I never expected that. Who knew that people from California, Texas and all points in between would buy from a little one-person operation in Virginia? I certainly didn't. None of my suppliers ever did, either. It because something of a phenomena in our industry and a curiosity how it developed. I was never afraid to pickup the phone can call someone when a question came in I didn't know the answer to....and I was also never afraid to call out a supplier when something wasn't right or they made a lousy product (that certainly got more than one supplier upset). If you're going to be Honest then you call out the good with the bad. Nothing is hidden.

    But I'm tired. I used up my body over the many years carrying heavy furniture by myself, and approaching 70 years of age I'm wore out. When a freight truck pulls up these days I wonder if can climb up inside, some days the knees won't let me and I have to get a stepladder. Father Time has said "You're done". My brain is not as sharp as it used to be. Reconciling the Store Accounts is hard now, as it filling out all the monthly tax forms for State and Federal requirements. There is a lot to running a small business, and substantial taxes and fees most people are not aware of unless they themselves run a small business.

    What happens now? I am going to fully liquidate The Keeping Room and its parent corporation at the end of this year, so there nothing carrying over into 2025. This part is done and finished. Hancock and Moore is like family to me - and they have asked me to keep doing the forum and keep writing orders for them (I have no interest in continuing with other suppliers), but this is unfamiliar territory and it has to be figured out how to do this. I'm agreeable to do it as a home office, "keyboard" warrior only and get a 1099 Commission check, but I do not want to handle money transactions which require expensive and costly Accounting. So how do they do that without stepping on other dealer's toes? That they have to figure out.

    Along with that comes this Forum, which they can have but at some point it will need a new software "engine" as this platform is old, and that costs money. There is no one at Hancock and Moore (or any other supplier) going to put the time in on this forum to field questions.

    So, we will see what happens! To be sure, I am looking forward to not being in a store 5 to 6 days a week and unloading trucks in the heat of the summer. Customers over the years have been great! I appreciate the faith and trust that has been put in me over the years and have always tried to be honest and work on your behalf to the best of my abilities.

    FYI, the store will be closing but I will always be reachable via this forum or my email For customers with outstanding orders, don't worry - I'm not running off with your deposits. I am keeping one truck in reserve until all local deliveries have been made which will take us into early Fall. I will drop the store phone number in late June, mostly because of the barrage of spam phone calls on it.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Default Re: Post-retirement future of MyFurnitureForum?

    Retirement is great, but when you have spent your entire life working it does require some adjustment. Once you no longer have the store to take up your time you will love it. We closed our wedding photography business around 5 years ago and enjoy having our weekends free now. You have worked long and hard for this and it’s time. Enjoy your retirement and spend time doing what you want.

    It never occurred to me that you would “run off” with my deposit. That is not who you are!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Default Re: Post-retirement future of MyFurnitureForum?

    From a marketing prospective , I believe this forum would serve Handcock & Moore well. You have done the "heavy-lifting" building the forum, H&M just needs to step up. I hope H&M will realize the potential of this forum & take over.

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