We just replaced our family room furniture with some gorgeous blue H&M furniture. I love blues!!
This question is aimed more at Duane, since he has been in this business for ages. Do you sell a lot of blue leather?
6075-3 Smooth Sofa Leather : Illusion Indigo Wood: Mesa
H6872 Ottoman Leather : Illusion Indigo Wood: Mesa
6093-S Hamden Swivel Chair Leather: illusion Indigo
The Illusion Indigo is no longer available which is really too bad as it's a beautiful color.
We are adding a Boho Swivel chair that is waiting for the leather to come in and can't wait to see it.
Apps 75% of all residential leather furniture sales are in a brown or tan tone, the remaining 25% are the other color spectrums. Black is the hardest color to sell, by far. Blues are popular, greys are waning, a good red is always fun for some pop, greens are rare - tricky to get the right shade- any any Skittle color is very rare and infrequent. Whites are impressive, but require more frequent cleaning.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
Thank you Duane.
You are going to love your Boho Chair....I'm hoping you got the Remington sapphire burnished but either way....that chair sits like a dream and the swivel mechanism is perfect!!
Beautiful living room by the way...blues for the win!
We did get the Remington Saphire and can’t wait for it to arrive. Thanks, we love how well these pieces came out.