Hi Duane
thanks for the email about the Lacross Sofa #5342. Can I ask you to please PM me a quote in both a grade 2 & 3 .
Many Thanks Susan
one more question - I am looking for a reddish brown leather that would look good in the same room as the capri butternut any recommendations ? I am not really so concerned with the grade but more just finding a nice soft leather that doesn't have to much shine .
PM's working again, quote sent!
Here's what I would use on that LaCross if I had Capri Butternut in the room:
* Imperial Cordovan Burnished (GR3)
* Buckingham Merlot Burnished (see photo, we are delivering this chair today to a customer - GR3)
* Antelope Rust (GR4)
* Continental Oxblood (GR5) < stunning hide, but pricey
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
thanks Duane. The burnished leathers may be a bit to rustic for my room. I have seen some that look great and others not so much but I will check those two out. I thought about combining a leather & fabric. I really like the H & M mohair in the dark sepia color. The sample I saw was very plush much more so than any other mohair I have ever seen. Have you ever seen it made up and if so does it look good ? All of the other mohair's I have felt feel itchy so that does make me a little nervous. What grade would that combination but me in on the pricing?
Warmest Regards Susan
Hi Susan,
Believe it or not, H&M does not swatch their mohairs (too costly they tell me), so I don't have a sample to look at. I did see some of their mohair product a year ago at Market, but I can't recall it well enough. I can get samples though, by request. Do do a price in mohair/leather, I'd have to have the specifics on what is mohair, what is leather and the leather grade, etc. But for ballpark purposes, probably a GR 4 overall.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
I was able to see a sample of the H & M mohair ( they have 3 colors shown ) at a local store. The pattern is called Germaine the color Sepia the code used by the local store is EE but I am not sure if that is theirs or H & M 's coding. It is really thick and soft, I am just not sure if this plushness is what I would get or not I was hoping you would know. I guess my question,s then are grade / cost, any other colors or just the 3 I have seen and is the thickness/softness a fair representation?
Thanks Again Susan
"EE" is an H&M code, that means DOUBLE the price of a Grade "E" fabric. That mohair is kinda pricey! Its roughly equivalent to a Grade 5 leather price.
All the current product is on H&M's website to the best of my knowledge, but mostly I have to make a phone call during the week to find out about mohairs.
You're welcome! And thanks for sending the sample back (arrived today)
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
I get it. You hear the price and you go "Eeeeeeee".
Yah! Pretty much!
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
and indeede I did e !
would the EE fabric make the whole piece a grade 5 ? I don't think I like the mohair that much . I am just trying to find a compromise as my husband wants fabric and I want leather.