That's what all (or most) husbands say LOL
Happy to hear you made your decisionI know what a relief that is!
We are not done: does anyone know the added cost of Ultra Down for a sectional? which nails - standard? wood for both sectional and ottoman - Belgian Chocolate? MY DH wants Ultra Down, but I don't know the cost and wonder if Kipling is too pliable for Ultra Down? I could have waited for an ottoman, but (1) I am not experienced enough in H&M to match their different leathers, (2) I do need an ottoman, and (3) the best way to match its leather to a sectional's is to place the order for both at the same time. The only other piece in the room might be this TV console:
Damask, BevoGal, and QualityCounts - truly appreciate your participation!
If I recall correctly, Duane usually recommends the standard foam cushions for leather. I had always had some down in my fabric upholstery, but I trusted him. He was right. The foam cores do feel firm at first, but they soften. There's a post somewhere on this.
The "A" nail is standard on most pieces. I like that for outlining the arms and such, but I'd use something larger like the"AA" on the bottom because Sundance is a large piece. If you want something different than the standard nail edges almost touching, you'll need to say so. You don't have to know the exact spacing measurement. I added nails to a piece that didn't normally have them. Duane suggested that I let H&M make the decision. It was perfect. (So not like me to give up control of details!!)
Last edited by Riddle; 07-19-2013 at 04:35 PM. Reason: Add link to post about cushion cores
I'm swamped with work but can't help not posting quick advice:
If I cared slightly more about comfort - I'd choose Ultra Down
If I cared slightly more about the look - I'd choose Standard (and that's what I'm getting on my Sundances)
Then again, I don't know if the effect is the same with Kipling as it is with Portfolio...
As for nailheads, I believe Sundance has A (smaller, head to head) on top, and AA (larger, spaced out) on the bottom as standard...
That's what I chose too, decided to trust H&M recommendation.
Last edited by Damask; 07-19-2013 at 05:13 PM.
Wood finish - I prefer sth a bit darker than lighter in comparison to the leather (but that's just MY preference).
Belgian Chocolate looks beautiful on the H&M website but I can't tell how it will work with your leather...
What finish is this TV console going to be?
Last edited by Damask; 07-19-2013 at 05:16 PM.
My Donavan sofa is in Kipling and I have had no problems with scratching so far. This is with an 8 month old Grand daughter who scratches on everything with her tiny little nails.
That's the best recommendation you can get! I remember my son's little nails, sharp like on a kitten, and I cut them all the time but they were growing back like there was no tomorrow LOL
Thank you Ladies! My youngest is past the "nail" stage, but he is in the "heavy-duty trucks" stage, and he managed to deep scratch my stone floor in the kitchen all around the perimeter! But wait until they grow up and take your car, and wreck it ... twice in 2 months!
Actually, I do like the rustic look of some sofas, but the leathers are heavier than Kipling, I think, and I won't be able to pull off the look with the rest of my decor. I narrowed down to Belgian Chocolate based on Duane's photos but they don't match H&M web-site photos! Does anyone have this finish and does it look like this:
Damask, I like the console in the pictured wood finish (Stickley displays this wood finish in the showroom). My DH likes it in darker oak.
Riddle, Thanks for the clear info on nails (makes total sense to me) and the cushions (still debating). I just realized that my leather cushions on my old sofas developed puddling, and it means I never cared enough to notice LOL. I hope to finally reach Duane tomorrow to place my order and will go with what he suggests.
I don't have Belgian Chocolate, but I do know something about light. That photo you referenced was taken in sunlight which is always different than indoor light. Even indoor light varies from room to room, season to season, the effect of adjacent colors, etc.
See post #24 on page 3 of the pictures from 2013 High Point spring market for an indoor photo of the wood finish with Duane's camera.
I trust Duane's skill in mixing wood and leather. Unless a piece has a lot of exposed wood up high where it is very visible, I don't worry much about mixing finishes within the room. I'd go for integrity of the individual pieces. Based on photos, I like the Belgian Chocolate a lot!
The other thing to remember is that monitors vary widely in how they display color. My iPad is pretty good with color.
Last edited by Riddle; 07-20-2013 at 01:07 PM.