wow, that is gorgeous. Lots of colors to play with and yet doesn't look too busy.
Thank you for all the rug suggestions. We purchased a rug, focusing on adding more color. Let me know what you think - candid opinions please, I can return!!
Also, now that the rug is in place, I'd love to hear your chair and ottoman/coffee table ideas. The coffee table and chairs we have in the picture are from another room... but they don't look half bad! I would prefer to put my feet up on a soft ottoman instead of a wood table and, while the chairs are nice to look at, they aren't the most comfortable to sit in to watch a movie.
Thanks all!! Can't wait to hear from you.
Buying a rug is like getting a painting, no one can tell you what is best - its what appeals to YOU that counts. If you like it, then that's your rug and you will enjoy it, that's all that matters. You can see the direction I like from my prior post - but that's my way - not yours.
Here's the ottoman I have have always liked with the Sundance, we did this one with a Sundance sectional quite a few years ago - I always come back to it.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
There are SO many chairs you can use, it all depends on the style you like, literally there are dozens just within the H&M lineup. I agree, the Sundance sofa is marvelous, but the chair seems overly large and a clunky, I rarely sell the chair in the series. Here's one I would consider for your room, but again - there are many that could work. I like the funk and style of this, its bold and not like your average boring chair:
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
Thanks Duane. The Bohemian Chair is killer!, however I was vetoed by madame president. We are going with the Newton Chair in the same leather. I'll post pictures when all is in place.
Thanks again everyone for your help!