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Thread: Pairing ideas needed for Sundance sofa

  1. #11
    cat@atl Guest

    Default Re: Pairing ideas needed for Sundance sofa

    wow, that is gorgeous. Lots of colors to play with and yet doesn't look too busy.

  2. #12
    davidalexander Guest

    Default Re: Pairing ideas needed for Sundance sofa

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    Thank you for all the rug suggestions. We purchased a rug, focusing on adding more color. Let me know what you think - candid opinions please, I can return!!

    Also, now that the rug is in place, I'd love to hear your chair and ottoman/coffee table ideas. The coffee table and chairs we have in the picture are from another room... but they don't look half bad! I would prefer to put my feet up on a soft ottoman instead of a wood table and, while the chairs are nice to look at, they aren't the most comfortable to sit in to watch a movie.

    Thanks all!! Can't wait to hear from you.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Pairing ideas needed for Sundance sofa

    Buying a rug is like getting a painting, no one can tell you what is best - its what appeals to YOU that counts. If you like it, then that's your rug and you will enjoy it, that's all that matters. You can see the direction I like from my prior post - but that's my way - not yours.

    Here's the ottoman I have have always liked with the Sundance, we did this one with a Sundance sectional quite a few years ago - I always come back to it.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  4. #14
    davidalexander Guest

    Default Re: Pairing ideas needed for Sundance sofa

    Quote Originally Posted by drcollie View Post
    Buying a rug is like getting a painting, no one can tell you what is best - its what appeals to YOU that counts. If you like it, then that's your rug and you will enjoy it, that's all that matters. You can see the direction I like from my prior post - but that's my way - not yours.

    Here's the ottoman I have have always liked with the Sundance, we did this one with a Sundance sectional quite a few years ago - I always come back to it.
    Thanks Duane. Great ottoman. What suggestions do you have for chair options to complement the Sundance sofa? We think the Sundance chair might be too large for our space.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Pairing ideas needed for Sundance sofa

    There are SO many chairs you can use, it all depends on the style you like, literally there are dozens just within the H&M lineup. I agree, the Sundance sofa is marvelous, but the chair seems overly large and a clunky, I rarely sell the chair in the series. Here's one I would consider for your room, but again - there are many that could work. I like the funk and style of this, its bold and not like your average boring chair:
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  6. #16
    davidalexander Guest

    Default Re: Pairing ideas needed for Sundance sofa

    Thanks Duane. The Bohemian Chair is killer!, however I was vetoed by madame president. We are going with the Newton Chair in the same leather. I'll post pictures when all is in place.

    Thanks again everyone for your help!

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