
Type: Posts; User: drcollie

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  1. Re: The other Washington DC area dealer - Greenfront

    It's the new way, make the client pay on the back end. Similar to Ticketmaster, any Airline or any New Car Dealer. 95% of furniture buyers want delivery and installation, they lack the vehicles to...
  2. Re: The other Washington DC area dealer - Greenfront

    The have changed, definitely. No longer the massive bargains they used to be and their delivery fees are ludicrous. To my home from their store is $ 250 (16 miles), and they charge a whopping $ 900...
  3. Re: Noveau, Deco, French? other furniture info. J.N. Slack & Co.

    That's Empire period, other than that I don't know the maker.
  4. Replies

    Re: The Keeping Room is Closed

    Thank you, All !

    My wife and I both had Big Plans for Retirement, but we are both having serious medical issues that will prevent us from doing 90% of those plans. The takeaway I will pass on...
  5. The other Washington DC area dealer - Greenfront

    Today i was at Greenfront Furniture, looking for a decent outdoor sofa (I hate mine from Beachcraft, what a piece of junk). I haven't been there in awhile, and the store has changed. The outdoor...
  6. Re: Hancock & Moore Power Recliner vs Power Recliner w/Battery

    When you order a battery version, you get everything for a plug-in as well. So, you can run it either way. The cord is a trip hazard to be sure, if he is walking behind the recliner.

  7. Replies

    Re: Recliner won't stay back

    Most recliner mechs have two balance springs underneath in the mechanism. As the manufacturer has no idea of the weight or height of the users, they aim for middle ground with the springs. The...
  8. Replies

    Re: The Keeping Room name

    I’m retired, Johnathan. If you wish to hire me as a Consultant for a fee I would consider that.

  9. Sticky: Re: Leather Cleaning & Conditioning Protocol for all brands

    She’s a one person operation, maybe on vacation? When I ordered from her it was typically 2 to 3 weeks before arrival.
  10. Replies

    Re: Author's chair tufting concern

    if the button is "tight" just shove it over, it will move. I've shoved plenty over the years.

    If the button is loose and drooping, it can be removed and reattached or you can see if it falls off...
  11. Replies

    The Keeping Room is Closed

    Thank you one and all for your support over the past 37 years, and since 2008 on this Forum. I turned the lock on the door for the final time at 7:00 p.m. last night as myself, Alen and Julio (my...
  12. Replies

    Re: Final Days at The Keeping Room

    Ha ! Well, there is always someone who can do it better, perhaps with the advent of. A.I. Technology an enterprising person will come along and take it to the next level. We are in a new world with...
  13. Replies

    Re: Author's chair tufting concern

    Any local upholsterer can fix that for you in a couple of minutes. Most have special tagging devices to do that. Find someone close by that does a mobile service to come to the house. H&M will do...
  14. Replies

    Re: Retirement Sale Items

    Brand new Hancock and Moore Aviator Chair and Ottoman in Gr4 Mesquite Saddle Burnished. Last chance to buy this combo as it goes to action tomorrow afternoon. $2,700 cash price, $3,000 credit card...
  15. Replies

    Re: Final Days at The Keeping Room

    I have decided to leave the furniture industry fully at this time. While I have had offers to continue in some manner or another, I don’t want to work for someone else and be subject to their...
  16. Replies

    Re: New Signage at The Keeping Room

    Ha! That post was from two years ago.

    Here’s the NEW sign in June 2024.

  17. Re: Walk through of all remaining clearanace inventory 04/23/24 at THE KEEPING ROOM

    Why is this sofa still here? I can't figure it out.....

    This is one of the best sitting, highest build quality 100" sofas on the market today, The Sherrill model # 2019 in Sharai Cream...
  18. Replies

    Re: Back Cushion : H&M Motion your way 2

    You can get Ultra Down in the back, however there is so little down in the fill and with a split back would not spend the extra money on it, personally. Standard fiber fill on the back is fine.
  19. Replies

    Re: Bernhardt Germain leather sofa restaining

    You have to do that before a re-dye anyways, Cleaning and Conditioning are not restorative, you have to dye or paint to correct fade.
  20. Replies

    Re: Back Cushion : H&M Motion your way 2

    No pne can tell you what will or will not be comfortable, it's totally subjective, as is cushion choice.

    Generally speaking, most peoole prefer Bustle Backs first, Split Backs Second, and Plain...
  21. Re: Hancock and Moore Your Way Motion Leather Sectional Questions

    Only stationary pieces can have an 8-way hand-tied suspension. All motion furniture, regardless of the maker, must have springs incorporated into the metal seat deck.
  22. Sticky: Re: Leather Cleaning & Conditioning Protocol for all brands

    If you stress the mechanism, the rivets will fatigue causing them to stretch and then fail. They are not repairable in spite of all the handymen who think they can. The only fix is a new mechanism....
  23. Replies

    Re: Bernhardt Germain leather sofa restaining

    Leather fade is never a warranty item (just for future information), its caused by sun fade.

    If you have a Pure Aniline, you can re-dye it yourself, takes about 4 to 6 coats and you get a custom...
  24. Hancock & Moore 3 5844-R-Q Adirondack Rocker in Cameo Tan Burnished

    One of my good customers who loves her H&M has a adult son who is Autistic and is hard on chairs because he tends to move to and fro in them while sitting. While in the store looking for a...
  25. Re: Hancock and Moore Your Way Motion Leather Sectional Questions

    replined to in the other thread questions under leather care.
Results 1 to 25 of 463
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