I noticed that one of the tufted buttons (if that's the right way to describe it) was a little "off center" when I was conditioning my Author's chair. I am attaching pictures to better explain. I applied a little bit of pressure with my hand to show what I am talking about in one of the attached pictures.
Did something give out in holding the tuft in place? Will this get worse over time? Should I think about taking it in to be fixed at some point?
Thanks for any insight!
Any local upholsterer can fix that for you in a couple of minutes. Most have special tagging devices to do that. Find someone close by that does a mobile service to come to the house. H&M will do it for you too, but that means hauling it back to North Carolina.
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.
Yea....While I would love to go to NC and take another tour...it's not exactly convenient lol.
When I call a that local upholsterer....what service am I asking for exactly?
if the button is "tight" just shove it over, it will move. I've shoved plenty over the years.
If the button is loose and drooping, it can be removed and reattached or you can see if it falls off over time. Hancock and Moore will pay a portion of the repair depending on the age of the piece. Things are cheap in the Foothills of North Carolina so they allow about $ 50.
It's called "a Button Tuft"
Duane Collie
Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.