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Thread: Are these from dining set? Walnut? Semi-Antique/valuable....

  1. #1

    Default Are these from dining set? Walnut? Semi-Antique/valuable....

    Someone offered these for free. If I had a guess, I'd say these are from some kind of 1980's Macy's neo-Victorian dining set. But the one with armrests seems to weigh around 30 pounds, and too bulky to slide under normal table; yet the one without armrests seems like a normal, if slightly massive, dining chair. Could this be from a dining set, the big one for head of the table? Any guess as to their origin? Seem unlike any chairs [I] can find on internet, especially with their bulky carved features. Hating to be crass -- but were or are they valuable? Thanks so much for any response! Click image for larger version. 
Name:	IMG_3077-1.jpg 
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ID:	14627Click image for larger version. 
Name:	IMG_3072.jpg 
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Name:	IMG_3075.jpg 
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ID:	14629Click image for larger version. 
Name:	IMG_3073.jpg 
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ID:	14630

  2. #2

    Default Re: Are these from dining set? Walnut? Semi-Antique/valuable....

    Could they be cherry or maybe maple? I'm now thinking walnut less likely, but it may even be poplar (I hope not!!) for all I know! Any thoughts about any of this deeply appreciated!!I know next to nothing about furniture!! have a wonderful weekend everybody!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Are these from dining set? Walnut? Semi-Antique/valuable....

    Well, I skipped over this because your photo set is so poor. First things first….decent photos that are high quality and correctly oriented, in outdoor sunlight. Without having that no one can tell you much.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Are these from dining set? Walnut? Semi-Antique/valuable....

    Quote Originally Posted by drcollie View Post
    Well, I skipped over this because your photo set is so poor. First things first….decent photos that are high quality and correctly oriented, in outdoor sunlight. Without having that no one can tell you much.
    Thanks for replying (or at least acknowledging!)-- I won't be able to supply better photos for a couple of days, but in my photography-not-quite-skills defense: acknowledging they could be a lot, lot better, they do kind of convey what you see looking at them in normal light, I'd think they give a basic idea of the "workmanship"/quality (if any) and materials (such as they are). In other words-- granting that the pictures are of very very modest technical competence, any impressions of what kind of furniture (age, quality, value) these might be, or confirmation they're probably from a dining set? (They would seem to obviously be that, except so bulky and awkward to slide under a table, the one with the armrests).

    Thanks for the earlier reply and any subsequent ones: I really am very, very curious!! But, yes, sorry for the poor quality images which I can correct in a couple days. Thanks again!!

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